First Place

Project Submission Presentation Finished
Looking towards the future, we can assume that two major central processes are going to change the face of the city Tel Aviv. One is the urban crowdedness and the other is a great difference in the city's transportation system.
The population growth in the future places many challenges towards new urban planning. This project attempts to examine potential alternatives to find an answer for distress in the construction areas (which will enlarge in the future), and to search for a solution in order to revive urban textures.
The city of Tel Aviv was chosen as a model for this examination. Tel- Aviv is the city most in distress finding vacant spaces for addition construction.
Over the years, we can see that the solution for urban renewal is possible by creating skyscrapers, and by doing that the city's density will be increased. Up to now, the thought of developing the city by means of underground dimension hasn't been suggested.
This development will enable the city to create new places with various characterizations, by having them become possible and also economic.
The population growth in the future places many challenges towards new urban planning. This project attempts to examine potential alternatives to find an answer for distress in the construction areas (which will enlarge in the future), and to search for a solution in order to revive urban textures.
The city of Tel Aviv was chosen as a model for this examination. Tel- Aviv is the city most in distress finding vacant spaces for addition construction.
Over the years, we can see that the solution for urban renewal is possible by creating skyscrapers, and by doing that the city's density will be increased. Up to now, the thought of developing the city by means of underground dimension hasn't been suggested.
This development will enable the city to create new places with various characterizations, by having them become possible and also economic.

We can see that in the near future that besides the urban area becoming crowded, a gradual process of dramatic changes in the city transportation will be expected; the development of the tram, subway, and in the future electric autonomous and cooperative vehicles.
We can expect that these developments will change the urban space. For example: the transportation of people and goods will be in a different manor, respectively to that the urban route. Other changes that can be anticipated are; the structure of the street, the use for land, parking space, building lines, etc. which will be able to re-adjust according to the new patterns of space usage.
The changes in urban transportation and the freeing of underground space are likely to gradually release territories that today are intended for parking, and these areas will be allowed for other uses.
The development of underground space, especially meaning the entry and exit points of the Metro, will invent new intensive interface points in the city.
In fact, these junctures will become complicated and three-dimensional, creating great energy with the concentration of people's movement and economic forces. This enables a way of rethinking the design of street level in a very complex and complicated way.
The project examines 2 different typical sites; one with high intensity of trade and employment, while the other is a cultured site with lower intensity. These 2 sites have possibilities of varied opportunities to intervene and redefine the ground floor

Site 1 | Cultural Square: connecting between the metro and the Habima parking lot.

Opening the ground floor and utilizing the area of the underground parking lot that is adjacent to the approved excavation route of the metro lines.
Adding additional layers to the ground level, utilizing existing light vents to bring in natural light, and dealing with concentrations of radon gas underground.

Detailed sections, spatial and programmatic scenarios.
Working with the existing structure, creating openings in the concrete floor between columns and support beams, leaving the initial structural loads almost unchanged.

Layering of levels, spatial complexity and urban intensity of a new kind.

Site 2 | Employment Square: connecting between the metro and the Gindi and Givon parking lots.

Opening the ground floor and utilizing the area of the underground parking lots that is adjacent to the approved excavation route of the metro lines.
Adding additional layers to the ground level, utilizing existing light vents to bring in natural light, and dealing with concentrations of radon gas underground.
Working with the existing structure, creating openings in the concrete floor between columns and support beams, leaving the initial structural loads almost unchanged.

Layering of levels, spatial complexity and urban intensity of a new kind.