Shufersal was first founded in Ben-Yehuda, 1958, in the format of Shufersal Sheli. Since then, Shufersal has been in various branch formats, accordingly to the needs of the various population.
In addition, the company operates the "Shufersal online" and has launched a new format for "cash and Carrie." The online services provide an online service that allows you to shop through a Web site or by phone. This new format offers a platform that sells wholesale products to business owners who are authorized practitioner.
The merchandise to these branches is transferred from the logistic warehouses of the company, which are located in three different regions of Israel. The first step is ordering it from the Internet, or buying it at the nearest grocery store. The process of the product passes a few steps until its arrival to the customer and does not come directly from logistics warehouses.
After a period of time, the Shufersal network had realized that the customer has a necessity for an instant arrival of any item , whether it is through a shipment from the Internet or an independent purchase. According to the reality, Shufersal's development during the recent years was deliberately mainly; express branches and other self-assembly stations of online shipments.
The project offers an alternative to the existing operating system and logistic warehouses, due to the change in consumer needs today. The new logistics warehouse will be located in the seam between Ramla and Lod, a strategic area in the center of the country, which provides convenience to send merchandise. The warehouses that exist today, are deployed on a large area and do not utilize the potential for the cost of the product. In our project we offer a different plan; smart logistics warehouse based on the operation of grid and robots. This method allows deployment on less area taking advantage of different levels of height, the product's efficiency, while exposing the consumer in the activities of the Logistics warehouse. The grid option allows modularity according to the needs of the warehouse, while the floors are arranged accordingly to the necessity of each product. We intend that the lower floor will be for the major commodities and areas that need cold temperatures, while the higher floors will store products that need room temperature. The structure of the building is designed so that each level of merchandise
Is attached to control areas for proper operation, an office floor and a ground floor including an area that consumers can purchase new technology (with the help of robots), and explore the history of Shufersal and the building process. The structure actually allows the connection between the different parameters of the component's company; the consumer, the visitor and the product.